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Twix KITTEN RM's Sponsorship Page

Snickers, Skittles, Twix and Twizzler are siblings. Twix is a gentle and affectionate kitten who loves to snuggle up in cozy spots and purr softly. She is curious about everything around her and enjoys playing with feather toys and chasing after balls. Twix has a playful streak but also adores quiet moments spent cuddling in a warm lap. She is friendly with people and enjoys gentle interactions, making her a delightful companion.  

Twix has striking eyes with beautiful “eyeliner” markings. She is a graceful and charming kitten who is ready to bring joy and companionship to her forever family.

Twix would thrive in a calm and loving home where she can receive attention and affection. She would do well with a family or individual who can provide her with interactive playtime and a comfortable environment. Twix may appreciate the company of another gentle cat or a cat-friendly dog for companionship.

If interested, please fill out a cat adoption application at

Twix KITTEN RM's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

---------- OR ----------

Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
Repeat sponsorship payment every:
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the recurring sponsorship
after a certain number of payments?
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